Does a good putaway (really) make shipping better?
Put away is one of the most important processes to take into consideration when thinking on optimizing your shipping process. You should consider doing it well.
How to work smarter in logistics? Our vision!
Today our post is a little more personal. See Miguel Catelas’ opinion on how to work smarter in Logistics.
Incoterms in Logistics
Most commonly used in international contracts for the sale of goods.
Expiration Date | how to turn a headache into an opportunity
Know more about how to deal with Expiration Dates.
Functionality | What does it mean to put a product in quality?
A software must be able to classify all products that enter in the warehouse.
eCommerce | How to meet your customers’ expectations
One of the biggest challenges regarding the online selling is the customer experience.
Wave Picking | What is it and should I use it in my warehouse?
Wave picking is a methodology for organizing the picking orders inside a warehouse.
Functionality | Automatic filling of all barcode types
Avoid scanning errors! Scan all types of barcodes!
5 Things you can make to improve your Inbound Process
Let’s dig in the Inbound Process and figure out how it can be more efficient for YOU.
Functionality | Planning Operations
Know more about management of people, time and space.